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Make Cervical Cancer History!


Ladies and Transgender Men, we've got great news! You can self-collect your Cervical Screening Test!

Cervical cancer is THE most common gynaecological cancer worldwide. In Australia, 80% occurs in women who have never had cervical screening, or are not up-to-date with their screening. More than 90% of cervical cancer cases are because of the Human Papilloma Virus (HPV).

Cervical Screening Tests (previously called Pap Smears) are recommended for women 25 years and over who have ever been sexually active (including same-sex relationships). It detects HPV, precancerous changes, and cervical cancer. Women now have 2 choices when it comes to their CST:

A) CST samples can be collected by your healthcare provider, or,

B) You can collect your vaginal swab.

Both options test for HPV, are equally effective, and are very safe to do while you are pregnant.

If you think you are (over)due for your CST, speak to your gynaecologist, GP or healthcare provider about your options. Find out more at:

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