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HPV Vaccine - Protection from Cancers


Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) is the most common cause of cervical cancer in Australia, and can cause other types of cancers and genital warts in both men and women. HPV is found in most people who have engaged in ANY sort of sexual activity, including people who have never had penetrative penis-vagina sex.

The HPV vaccine prevents HPV infection, and protects against some cancers and genital warts. The HPV vaccine is:

A) Most effective when given before first exposure to the virus (usually before first sexual contact),

B) FREE for young persons aged 12-13 years as part of the National Immunisation Program in Australia,

C) FREE for adolescents and young who missed the vaccine at 12-13 years old, until 26 years of age.

In addition, the HPV vaccine is recommended for people with immunocompromising medical conditions, and for men who have sex with men. It is also available for a fee for persons 26 years and older who wish to protect themselves. Speak to your GP, gynaecologist or health practitioner about the HPV vaccine if it something you wish to consider for yourself or your loved ones.

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